You are magic. Let's step deeper into your truth. Ā 

I can teach you plenty of tools to support your growth. While those are nice, you didn't come here for that. You came so I could whisper a remembering into your soul.
You came to unlayer and dig up your deepest desires.Ā 

I'm here to help

I'm here to support your path. To support you in the small changes that make a BIG impact over time.
You are here because you are ready to uncover blocks keeping you from your peace or taking you off your path.Ā 
I'll help you get out of your head andĀ tap into your heart! You'll learn to trust the path your soul invites you to (instead of the one your mind thinks is right).
I'll support you to embody change and you'll see how making those changes causes the world around you to "magically" change!Ā 

Give your soul a little space to breathe, to remember how to commune with you, while we create a heart-led path for you to follow.Ā  Ā 


Work with me

You can call me a coach. I'd refer to myself as more of a co-conspirator, I am here to hold space for you and to remind you that you can release habits and beliefs keeping you from your truth. My energy will hold you in a container so you can remember the deep love you brought to this holy Earth (and that you truly are) and connect with your inner Goddess to return to your wholeness.  

What it looks like

We'll pull back layers of unconscious behaviors, fears and programming.

Your heart knows what you need, but sometimes it's helpful to have someone ask you the right questions that guide you a little quicker to what feeds your soul! 

Let's find out what's working and what's not, redirecting your energy to what you want. 

My Qualifications

I'm a certified Mind, Body, Spirit Practitioner and best-selling author. I've been healing and uncovering my soul's truth for more than a decade and can offer you the tools to re-find your path. 

Give yourself permission to shed all that you are not and follow YOUR true path.

Reiki Services 

Are you feeling depleted or low on energy? A 60-minute Reiki energy session may be just what you need.

Everyone benefits from a Reiki session.

So, what is Reiki?

Reiki is a thousands year old form of energy healing. It's pure love. We all have the ability to heal ourselves or be healed. Reiki helps unblock or remove stagnant energy.

It's easy, you just lay on a massage table and receive the healing energies. 

I am a Master Reiki practitioner, attuned to heal.

Tifanie G

ā€œI have always enjoyed meeting with coaches and individuals who can help me understand myself more so booking time with Lisa was an easy decision. During our conversation, we touched on various topics, and I must admit, I was surprised by the things that came to the surface. Lisa asked just the right questions and by the end of our session, I felt truly amazed at how everything we talked about connected. If you are considering a session with someone to do this type of work, I highly recommend Lisa. Sheā€™s easy to talk to and offers intuitive and insightful feedback.ā€

Adrienne O

Receiving coaching sessions from Lisa was a cathartic experience and a true investmentĀ in myself and my mental health. Prior to our time together, I would've never known what it would mean to have someone hold space for me to explore my own thoughts and feelings, with no rush to any goals or destinations. Just untethered and unapologetic conversation that dove well below my surface understanding of my own feelings. Lisa also shared exercises that I now use on my own time to ground myself and reset whenever I feel the need.Ā